DH Marine Has Been Supplying Quality Batteries For Over 15 years.
Knowing that battery reliability is vital for domestic and commercial customers in Shetland, we only sell quality brands you can rely on.
If we don't keep it in stock we should be able to get it in a couple of days, depending on availability.
Details on the types and sizes of battery available for the Automotive, Marine & Leisure, and Motorbike & Quad applications are provided in the pages below.
For pricing or advice on selecting the right battery for your applications please call us on 01595 690618 or email us

Battery Health
The key to maximum performance and life in any lead acid battery is to ensure it is properly maintained and charged. The healthiest thing for a battery is to be at a 100% State of Charge (SOC)
Most batteries fail because they are never fully recharged, or have been left to discharge without being recharged from time to time. If your battery is used in seasonal applications or is to be stored long term, ensure it is fully charged beforehand. Check the voltage regularly during the period of non-use- many batteries have a charge indicator on top that will show green if it is in good condition. If the voltage drops below 12.4V, then it needs recharging! Never leave a battery in a state of discharge for long, otherwise it will suffer permanent damage.
Over the years batteries with new technologies such as Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) or EFB (Enhanced Flooded Battery) have been introduced to the market. To obtain reliable test results, especially with regard to the State of Health (SOH), it is essential to use modern test devices that are adapted for the new battery technologies!
Battery Safety
Batteries are dangerous items, consult your vehicle / vessel /equipment handbook for specific instructions and safety precautions. Keep batteries, old or new, out of the reach of children!
Batteries contain sulphuric acid (electrolyte), which can cause burns to skin and eyes.
- Wear suitable safety glasses or goggles.
- Wear suitable gloves and clothing to protect your hands and body.
- In case of contact with skin, wash off with plenty of water and soap, ensuring there is no accidental ingestion or inhalation. Seek advice from a medical professional if necessary- dial 111 for NHS 24
- In case of contact with the eyes, immediately irrigate with eyewash or clean water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eyelids apart. Seek advice from a medical professional- dial 111 for NHS 24
- Sulphuric acid is extremely corrosive, wash down any surface spills immediately with copious amounts of water.
- Do not tilt the battery case
Batteries can give off hydrogen when charging- hydrogen is explosive in certain concentrations.
- Make sure the work area is well ventilated.
- Never smoke or allow naked flames or other ignition sources near the battery.
- Remove all metal jewellery before working on or near a battery and never allow metal tools or vehicle components to come into contact with the battery terminals.
- Never lean over a battery while boosting, testing or charging.
- Never try to jump start or charge a battery that looks damaged, or is leaking.
- If charging or jump starting, connect the positive (red) lead first and when finished remove it last- always refer to your vehicle / vessel /equipment handbook in the first instance, otherwise you may damage sensitive electronic components.
A battery is a power source
- Remove all metal jewellery before working on or near a battery- besides the risk of creating a spark, metal objects can quickly heat up and cause burns if they cause a short circuit
How Can We Help?
We're familiar with many of the problems our customers face on a daily basis and can offer cost effective solutions to resolve most situations quickly.
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